Coaching Approach

Through Meon Coaching and Consulting, Richard seeks to work with the client in a relaxed and creative environment over a number of sessions. In that time (usually 90 – 120 minutes for each session) a combination of active listening focused on the client’s chosen subject, together with well-directed questions, yields significant results. There are also some coaching techniques that may be uses to create a richer view of the journey that the person can take. Our working relationship usually starts with an introductory session to determine how best to work together in a way that suits you as the client. Coaching can take place face to face or on the phone/Skype.

Being right for you……….Chemistry, Competence, Career

The big question for a manager looking for a coach is “will Richard be the right fit and the best coach for me?” Amongst the many ingredients in the answer to this question there are 3 main areas to check.


Chemistry is a helpful, but almost indefinable, word often used to describe the final check people make before selecting a coach for themselves or a particular colleague. All other things being equal is this person going to work well with me? That can best be verified in a face to face meeting and it will not take long for the person to feel comfortable about the answer to the question.


The purists will say that knowledge or experience of a particular industry, profession or specialism is irrelevant to the task of a coach. It is their competence as a coach, their ability to listen, question, test, empathise, check, steer and respond that enables them to coach effectively. However, as described above, Richard has extensive experience in coaching both as a senior executive and also as a professional coach. He trained both in IBM (via Amadeus) and at the Henley Management School.

Career / Experience

In spite of the purists’ proposition that knowledge of the person’s area of work is unnecessary, Richard’s broad business and public sector experience, which  spans many nations and cultures as well as industry verticals, adds exceptional value. This experience helps establish rapport with the client which enriches the value of the coaching relationship.

There is no time like the present for exploring a well tried technique to talk through your business priorities.
Feel free to contact me to set up an initial chat.